This was the view from the WorldMark condo we stayed in. It was breathtaking. I know, I know, I sound like my Dad. He would be so proud to know that I enjoy scenery now!!
Trying on our shades. :)
We went in this shop called "Your Family Name". We could look up our last name and hear its history. I saw a hat that said Gordon on it. Miss you Dad!
We went to Leveanworth, Washington for a few days during Spring Break. Dan and I are totally fascinated by these big wind turbines. We saw on Dirty Jobs how they have to clean them. And they are just soooo huge!!
Abby always finds a way to entertain herself. And once again it was quite entertaining for me. :)
We had breakfast here two days in a row! Leavenworth is a little German town. Dan lived in Germany and both of our ancestors are part German so it was very fun.
Trying on crazy hats! Again and again and again...
We took a ride on the trolley. It takes you on a tour of the town. And it was free!
Abby waved goodbye to the driver as we got off. She said "bye-bye" to everyone, everywhere we went!! She had lots of admirers. :)
My friends and I like to go to the Konditorei in Salem.
Story time.
Dan ordered a German beer and Abby leaned over like she was going to take a sip!! Crazy girl!! She does like Daddy's ba bas (she thinks anyone's drink is their ba ba). :)
Dan felt like this restaurant had the most authentic German food. Unfortunately it was a little rushed as Abby was ready for her nap.
I thought it was cool that Dan had a market named after him.
On our way home we stopped at this World War II Memorial. It was a replica of Stonehenge in Great Britain.
Across the river is Oregon!
We stopped in Cascade Locks to go to the bathroom and they had this little ice cream place. It was the biggest ice cream cone I have ever seen!!
Abby and my friend Cheryl's daughter Mackenzie are ten months apart. They love to play and Mack is teaching Abby how to share. :) We hung out one Friday night and the girls got to play in the bath together. I had fun trying to get their hair to stand up.
Mack's was so tall!!
We try and meet at the carousel every week or two. Dan came along this time so he was able to snap some pictures.
After the carousel we went on the playground for a while. Abby loves anything with a steering wheel!!