Saturday, July 31, 2010

Fourth of July

We actually did our 4th of July on the 5th of July because Abby's cousin Arden was born on the 4th of July! It was hard to really know the difference as everyone was still doing fireworks anyway. :) We had a yummy bbq and then when it was dark we did some fireworks.
Grammy and Uncle Joel and Grandma were there.

I got these glasses that were supposed to make the fireworks look brighter and Abby was trying them out.

Uncle Joel let Abby have her first sparkler.

A little dangerous I know but Uncles are supposed to let you do things that your mom wouldn't, right? Actually she did really well.

Abby thought the fireworks were very fun!
Daddy helped her do another sparkler.

Silver Creek Falls

We headed out to Silver Creek one afternoon in June. It was perfect weather, not too hot but not too cold. First we headed down to see the falls.
Abby acted like she owned the trail and we practically ran down!!

Daddy and Abby.

Family picture from the bridge below.

Even on the way back up Abby was off ahead of us!
We explored a little on Maple Ridge Trail.

Dan was saying "Done Da Done!". We had to do it over and over and over. :)

When she first went in the water she wasn't holding my hand and she slipped and was almost all the way under. I thought she would be done with the water after that but she was crying because I had taken her out of the water and she wanted to go back in!
She loved playing with the other kids.
She and Daddy walked in the water all the way down to the other side of the park and found the play structure. I met them at the playground to snap a few pictures.

Then we walked all the way back in the water again.
We had a perfect afternoon!

June Pictures Part 2

Abby and I were excited to meet baby Ella for the first time!
She really liked holding her. :)
Ella's mom Mindy and big brother Jaycoby!

Goggle Girl!

Abby wanted to go outside with Daddy while he mowed the lawn but I didn't want her to get pelted with a rock or a pine cone. I let her watch from the inside instead. She got a bit cold as it was almost 9pm. You can kind of see Dan in the bottom picture to the left. :)
Good job Daddy! The lawn looks great!

Somehow this top one didn't turn. Sorry! On Father's Day we take a picture of Daddy's feet and hand with Abby's feet and hand. It is fun to look at three now and see how she has grown since she was born!

Sticker/Ballerina Girl! :)

Our friends the Adelmans give us so many fun things for Abby!
This is a table that Nick repainted and gave Abby for her birthday!
They recently gave us a pop-up play house! Stay tuned for pictures. :)
Thank you guys for blessing our family!

I am switching to teach kindergarten this fall! I never thought I would do any grade lower than 3rd but having Abby has gotten me into the kindergarten world! We spent about 2 weeks in my new classroom cleaning, organizing and painting. Abby and my mom and our friend Lydia were there with me off and on. Abby loved it when my mom would pull her around in the library crate. :)