I found Abby under Dan's desk with the whole box of tissus pulled out! I was angry at first but then saw the humor in it enough to take this picture. I told her she needed to flatten out all the tissues so we could put them back in the box. She kept saying she was tired and I said "Keep folding!". :) She decided her nose needed a little wipe while she was busy folding.

Abby loves to be read to, especially by Daddy. I noticed that she had her dolls and Doggy all lined up and I thought it was cute.

Emma Lou Lou has found her hands!

Abby is the ultimate multi-tasker! :) If you can't tell she is sitting on her potty.

I am noticing that Emma has her binky in most of these pictures. She always has to have something in her mouth. Lately it has been her fingers as well.

Sleeping beauty.

St. Patty's Day cards from Grammy!

Abby opens Emma's for her.

Emma wanted to read it herself.

Abby opening her own card.

A litle water color painting...

Nice job baby!