Abby was able to move to Level 2 this summer! She finally decided that she wanted to stick her head under water! Yay!! :)

It is fun that Dan is teaching lessons at the same time because then he can play with Abby at free time.

She loves this mat!

Up she goes!

Rocket arms with teacher Suzy...

Head under water and blowing bubbles!

She had fun with her friend Ryder as they were both new to putting their heads under water. :)

Getting a ride on Daddy...

Emma Lou had fun too!

Tummy float with teacher Emma...

Goggle Girl!

Abby loved the slide! She did go down by herself too.

Uncle Dave came to watch one day. Grammy and Grandma were there quite a bit too.

It is so funny because Emma will either cry when she sees my brother or be totally fine. This day she was just fine and even played with his gotee. She does this with my Uncle Tom as well.

Abby also really liked getting around the pool in this little inner tube.

I let Emma get a little wet too...
I really enjoy summer lessons even though it is a lot of work. We ended up going almost 5 weeks! Abby seems to make a lot of growth when we go every day for five days in a row.