Grammy requested the zoo for her birthday!
Emma is a condor now in kindergarten at Kalapuya!
Owen is loving his swimming lessons!
Dan and I went to the coast for a couple's retreat with our church. My mom and the kids came the second night and we got a few hours of nice weather on the beach before the rain.
There was a pool and my mom and the kids swam Saturday night and then Dan and I got in Sunday morning.
Swim meet in Springfield, Oregon.
They have a nice playground at the pool which is nice.
We finally got a dry weekend to make it to the pumpkin patch.
It was VERY muddy though so I am glad we all had boots!!
So we finally celebrated Gram's bday with the family! She had a month of celebrating: the zoo, the beach (she hadn't ended up making it there this summer) and then finally the family party (we had to cancel once because Brennan, Dave, Jeni, my mom and then Ellie all got the flu!! :(
Owen likes it when you give him a grape family with a mommy and daddy and then a baby or two.
Owen enjoys his walks with Grandma on Wednesdays and he was proud of the leaves and things he collected.
Emma is becoming quite independent and she is teaching Owen the ropes. He can put his own waffles in the toaster but not put peanut butter on them.
Abigail started phase 1 of braces! Just 2 brackets on her front teeth and then some spacers in the back.
I am not sure when this picture was taken but I love it! Another swim mom takes great pictures and is nice enough to share them with us all.
Happy Halloween!! We have enjoyed trick or treating with our good friends Brooklyn and Mackenzie.