Looking out the window.

Eating lunch!

Playing house with Uncle Dave! :)

Easter card from Grammy! Getting all the stickers. :)

She has gone on the potty a few times.

Multi-tasker like Mommy! :)

Daddy measuring how tall she is. About 34 inches!

Making corn bread pancakes with Daddy. Don't worry we make sure she doesn't touch the griddle. :)

Sitting with Daddy in his chair.


These are the armrest pads from her carseat!

Doggy had to try it out too!

She is all into doing everything herself! Yes, I know this is normal for an almost 2 year old. :)

Sometimes baby doll gets the boot when Doggy is riding in the stroller. We will have to work on this. :)

Where's Abby?

There she is!!!

Grammy bought new swings for our old swingset. Abby swings for 30 min. or more at a time!!

Of course Doggy had to try out the swing too. She wants you to push Doggy too. :)

My mom's student teacher and Dan were in the same group at Corban. We decided to eat in the dining room after their End of the Year Dessert. It was fun to be there. It was totally different. They didn't have fudge bars anymore!!! :(

Playing with all her cups and bowls and spoons. This was Daddy's idea of course. :)

Abby and Doggy are pretty much inseparable these days. We found out the hard way when we decided to give Doggy a bath. She didn't notice he was gone for the wash cycle but then she cried hysterically for him during the dry cycle. Poor baby!!
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