After Abby moved into her new bed and room this summer, I started getting all the baby stuff out. I had to reorganize the closets and figure out what went with Abby to the new room and what stayed in Emma's room.

After I told Abby she was too big for most of the baby things she started filling everything with her dolls. It was pretty cute. :)

The crib we had with Abby was recalled so we had to take it back to Babies R Us and get a different one. We really liked our old crib but the new one was really just as nice. Abby liked helping Daddy put it together.

She used the flashlight to make sure he could see everything. :)

This was Abby's coat size 0-3 months. She insisted that it would still fit.

I guess it does!! It was pretty cute!

She has doggy in her tummy like Emma is in Mommy's tummy.

Emma's room is pretty much ready to go now!!