I bought Duck tickets as an early Christmas present for Dan. It was raining off and on but not too bad. I got them from my friend's dad who has season tickets so they were there too!

It was great to see Lisa and Jeff as they live in southern Oregon.

Getting pumped up before the game!

Touchdown!! Well, one of many. :)

I couldn't get over how friendly everyone was. After each good play or touchdown you got like 5 high fives from people around you.

I think we picked a good game and a good season! Go Ducks!! We parked about a mile away so we didn't have to pay to park. On the way back to the car I started having contractions and they were about 5 minutes apart for a few hours. When we got home I decided that if I could lay down and go to bed and they went away then I was okay. They went away and I have been just fine since. :)
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