We went to Red Robin on Abby's birthday for dinner.

She likes it when they sing to her.

Daddy and Emma Lou Lou.

After dinner Daddy went to a meeting at West and we went to Grammy's house. Uncle Dave was there too.

Uncle Dave got Abby a dress up ballerina outfit.

Grammy got Abby a camera. It is funny because my mom and I talked about her getting Abby a camera for her birthday months ago and just recently Abby has been wanting to take pictures with my camera so it was an absolutely perfect gift!

Emma Lou Lou has a new seat to play in at Grammy's house.

Happy Birthday to Abby!

Uncle Dave and Abby!


We had Abby's birthday party on Saturday, June 4th, at Grammy's house so we could have a bouncy house. Unfortunatley many of Abby's friends could not make it but she had a great time with the friends that could come.

Grammy and Emma Lou Lou.

It was a beautiful day. Emma got a nap in before all the action started.

Josie and Lainy and their cousin Lilly came early since the girls had a dance recital later that day. Thank you Alison for fitting Abby's party into a busy day. It meant a lot to us!

We sang to Abby and had our first round of cupcakes!

As Alison and the girls were getting ready to leave Abby's other friend Norah and her family arrived.

Uncle Dave dropped by for a bit too. He had a lot of computer work to do that weekend.

Round 2 of cupcakes!

A while later Abby's friend Mackenzie arrived with her family. It was just in time to do the pinata!

My friend Nicole was able to come and she helped capture some action shots of the pinata breaking. :)

Abby liked the hippety hop that we got her. She shared it with Norah and Mack as well.

Grandma and Emma Lou Lou!

Soon Norah had to go and then we had dinner with family and friends.

It was actually Mackenzie's sister Brooklyn's birthday on June 4th. Thanks for sharing your big day Brooklyn!

After a BBQ dinner it was round 4 of cupcakes!

Since the theme was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I got these ears for Abby and wrote "I'm 3!" on them. She didn't want to wear them but she let Emma try them on.
Well, it was a long, hot, exhausting day. I was kind of down since not very many friends could really come but it all worked out. Thank you Alison, Michelle and Cheryl for making Abby's birthday one she won't soon forget!
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