We try to camp at least one time during the summer. We go to Beachside which is where I went camping as a child. You can walk out onto the beach right from the campground.

Poor Emma didn't really get her naps so she fell asleep on the go. This is actually before we even left for our walk on the beach!

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day!

Emma woke up to enjoy some of the fun.

There were a ton of little pools of water and we saw a lot of jelly fish.

Abby and I went out and jumped some waves!

All snug and cozy.

Abby liked the little pools of water because they were nice and warm!

Emma got to play a little too.

Abby and I had a great time out in the water!

Emma was asleep again by the time we got back to camp!

Yummy watermelon!

Emma got a little excited after eating her pureed peas lunch that she spit up on Daddy! I thought it was pretty funny even though he wasn't too happy about it.

My Mom, Auntie Lynn and her friend Katharyn came for dinner while we were camping. They live in England and the last time they came to the states was the day I was born! It was fun to have them here.

Smore's Evans' style: add peanut butter!

I brought one of those Jiffy-pop popcorn things for the camp stove. It was really good popcorn!

We slept okay the first night and better the second night. We had Emma in the bassinet on Dan's side of the air mattress and Abby in her sleeping bag on my side of the air mattress. Cozy but nice. :)

Emma sucks on her lips. Sometimes it is her top lip and sometimes her bottom lip! Silly girl!

Dan is an expert fire builder! Nice job babe!
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