We drove up to Maple Valley, Covington and North Bend, Washington for Dan's extended family Christmas. This year it was a Christmas themed murder mystery progressive dinner. We had a blast!

Abby had a little tea party at one of the houses.

At the last house, Dan's cousin LaDene's house, we had our gift exchange. The kids each have another kid that they buy for and the adults bring a guy or girl gift and do the kind of gift exchange where you can steal from each other. Dan and I both got our gifts stolen! We ended up with fun stuff anyway though.

Abby got a My Little Pony toy.

Emma got a singing bunny toy. :)

Tucker and Abby got along pretty well. He will be 4 January 21st so they are about 4 months apart. Tytan will be one January 30th so he and Emma are almost exactly a month apart. These are LaDene's grandchildren.

Dan with his cousin Jana and her husband Santa Chris. :)

This is one of Dan's other cousins, Larry, he got the gift we brought and he was also the murderer in the murder mystery game we played. He was a bad elf!

Emma had a lot of friends. This is Hayden holding her and he was the gingerbread man that was murdered but joined us as a ghost. :)

Shannon helped Emma have her snack and milk cup.

Abby also enjoyed playing with Elsie and Hunter. Elsie is in kindergarten and Hunter is in 3rd grade.

You can't really tell that they are drawing with stencils here. :)

Dan trying out the massage chair! I don't think he wanted to go home!

Abby ready for Emma Lou's birthday party!

Ricky and Nicole have a bun in the oven so soon we will be going to their little one's birthday parties! :)
Vickie and Allie were able to stop by for a bit. Vickie watches the girls sometimes and Allie helps out too when she is home from college.

We are blessed to have close friends and family to help celebrate birthdays and holidays! Marsha was able to come as well as my Uncle Tom and of course Grandma (Dan's mom).

Happy Birthday to you Emma Lou!

The cupcake...

She likes it!

Almost gone!

Mackenzie and Abby with their blowers/noisemakers.

It was funny because while we were opeing gifts Emma went back over and ate more of her crumbs from her cupcake. :)

Emma received lots of books, toys and clothes. Thank you all so much!

Reading wtih Grammy.

It was fun to have Arden and Mackenzie there to join the fun!

Bye Bye Arden. It was fun to see you!

Cuddle time with Uncle Dave.

Play time with Uncle Joel and the balloon!

My best friend Becca sent a package in the mail for Emma's birthday. It was a little overwhelming at her party so I saved it for later that night. It was a card and an adorable purple dress. Thanks Bec!!

Emma loves her new walker/stroller from Grammy. It is perfect timing because she is almost walking so she can push it around by herself.

Emma had a sippy cup of watered down juice (which she won't drink by the way) and an almost empty cup of milk and a new cup of milk. It just looked funny to see 3 sippy cups on her tray!

Silly girl...

Abby and her babies. She spends hours playing with them. The hard thing is that she brings it all out of her room and then later she has to put it all away. She does it though even though it is a big job.

Emma loves looking out the window. Abby loved doing this as well (and still loves doing it :) ).

Counting oranges...

Abby and I often make the 95% fat free microwave popcorn and we discovered that Emma loves it too! When she runs out she bangs her tray for more! I do the more please signs with her but she doesn't quite know how to do them yet (or isn't willing to try yet).

Abby got breakfast food play dough for Christmas and we finally broke it out! It was pretty fun I must admit. Sorry for the partially dressed pic but I make her strip down when she paints or does play dough.
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