We went over to Mackenzie's house to trick or treat. Mack was Bell and Abby was a ballerina/princess. :) Here they were putting on their shoes and socks to head out!

Cheryl stayed behind with Brooklyn and the Dads, girls and I headed out to trick or treat.

Bye Bye Brooklyn and Cheryl :)

Everyone thought they were the "cutest thing they had ever seen". :) At the first house Abby tried to give them a tootsie roll she had gotten from Mack's house. It was pretty funny. She figured it out pretty quick after that though. She also wanted to hold on to every piece of candy until she got to the next house. I told her that if she didn't put it in her bag that the next house wouldn't give her more candy.

Cutie pie!!

Later we stopped by Grammy's house. Abby got to help pass out some candy. Uncle Dave scared her by putting his hood on and acting like he was a trick or treater. :)