We thought it would be fun for Abby to go to the pumpkin patch with her cousin Arden and Grandma. So one rainy Saturday we journeyed out to Sauvie Island. We had never been there and Dan's brother and his wife hadn't been there for a long time. It was a fun drive and definitely worth the drive.

Grandma got Abby some boots and they came in handy because it was VERY muddy and wet. The nice thing is that it didn't really rain while we were there.

They have a market with lots of fresh vegetables and fruit. This zuchinni was huge!!!

Abby and I rode on a little cow train ride. We were the second to last car so we felt every turn. I kept praying that it wouldn't tip over as the driver went around turns and there were like 10 or 12 cow cars attached. We had fun. :)

We made it back all in one piece!!

Next year Emma will have to share a hole with me I guess. :)

Kelly, Amy and cousin Arden.

The hay ride out to the pumpkin patch!

Grandma helped Abby pick out a perfect pumpkin!

Abby held Arden's foot on the way back in from the pumpkin patch. It was pretty cute.

Farmer Abby!

Giving her pumpkin a bath. :)
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