Abby enjoyed playing with the name tags that I was making for my kindergarteners. :)

What a big girl!! My friend Melissa is due with her first child a week after me. She ended up buying our stroller and infant carrier. Abby had to have one last sit before she said goodbye. :)

She insists on wearing her bath towel on her head to bed each night. She is eating peanut butter on a spoon like Mackenzie does. :) Dan and I like to do it too but I hadn't given any to her on a spoon before.

Halloween card from Grammy.

Money for her piggy bank and STICKERS!!!

Notice the sticker on her belly button. She consistently puts stickers on her belly button. Funny girl!

Putting her money in her piggy bank. Uncle Dave recently taught her that George in on the one dollar bill. So now anytime she sees money she points to the man on it and says "George"!
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