Abby and I stopped by Daddy's swim practice on a Saturday morning. There is a bubble cover over the pool at Salem Swim and Tennis. It is pretty cool!! John who helps Dan coach and also is a photographer snapped a few pictures of Abby in her Duck outfit. Go Ducks!!!

Ready for Christmas!!

My Christmas present was getting stockings with all of our names on them.

Mackenzie and Brooklyn came over to play!

Christmas card from Grandma!

Dan's West swim team threw us a surprise baby shower at their Christmas party!!
Thank you guys!!

Taking a nigh night with Doggy. I don't think he is asleep!!

The crayon train...

My mom got an extra baby Jesus when she bought an outdoor nativity scene off Craigslist. He gets to stay at our house and apparently he likes to ride in the baby stroller too!!
OMG! I had no clue you were pregnant!! I am so excited. We are due in July. I want to hear from you!